Did you know that November is Native American Heritage Month? It is the month that the U.S. is supposed to celebrate Native American contributions to the world. The following link shares some of the ways that the US National Park Service is celebrating: Native American Heritage Month - NPS Celebrates! (US National Park Service).

Last November, I wrote about the REAL story of Thanksgiving (Nov 15 Thanksgiving--A Day of Thanks and a Day of Mourning). There is so much to mourn this year and there is so much that I am thankful for.  I mourn the massacre and genocide our white ancestors acted out (and to which we are still complicit) onto the Indigenous peoples of this land. I mourn the continued murders and subjugation of black bodies and I mourn the hundreds of thousands of lives lost to COVID-19. Yet, at the same time, there are many things that I am thankful for. I am deeply grateful for my own health and the health of my family members and friends. I am thankful that I have work and am able to continue to thrive financially. I am grateful that when my family members leave the house for the day, I don’t have to worry if they will get arrested, shot, or choked to death because of the color of their skin. I am thankful for the many lessons learned this year and the challenges that have pushed my growing edges. I am grateful for the new friendships made and the old ones that have deepened. I am thankful for the community of people who support me and hold me accountable to anti-racist principles and actions. I am grateful for those whose shoulders I stand on and I am thankful for The People’s Institute of Survival and Beyond for providing principles that guide me and hold me accountable: Our Principles – The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond.

I hope these resources help you to build your anti-racist muscles as they have and continue to help me.

See you on the journey,


Robin Schlenger