With Election Day less than a week away, I need to acknowledge the onslaught of emotions that I’m going through. They range from rage, fear, and powerlessness to hope, passion, and encouragement.  These cycling torrents of emotions are having a huge impact on my attention and ability to concentrate.  They are also impacting my sleep and my physical health. As I share all of this, I am deeply and uncomfortably aware that this is just a small and momentary glimpse into what it might be like for the BIPOC that I intimately love and respect.  I know that I can never fully understand what it is to live with the unrelenting barrage of daily microaggressions and racism and the impact they have on the minds, bodies, and spirits of BIPOC.

What I can do is continue to work every day to interrogate the way racism shows up in me and to share and organize with other white people to take accountability and help to undo it.  I hope these resources encourage you to do the same.

See you on the journey,


Robin Schlenger