Shedding the Old to Make Room for the New

One month into the Fall and the leaves have barely started to change color in my yard. Because I love the warm weather, and not so much the cold weather, I’m not feeling any rush for the leaves to fall or for the weather to change. However, as in all things, nature and life are cyclical and I am trying to embrace this. One season ushers in a new one. Everything in life has a cycle.

As I started thinking about leaves falling and seasons changing, reptiles surprisingly came to mind. I was thinking about how reptiles shed skin to make way for the growth of new skin. In my ongoing journey to be a better human and a “good ancestor” (Layla Saad), I am trying to make room for growth as well. There are old ways of being and doing that I want to shed, and there are ways of being and doing that I want to lean into more deeply. 

What about you? 

What will you shed to make room for something new to grow? What will you deepen and let blossom anew?

With Indigenous People’s Day having been this month and Thanksgiving Day coming up, I wanted to share some Anti-Racist resources I thought would be helpful to engage with this season.

See you on the journey,


Robin Schlenger