These past few months have felt like a ride on the emotional roller coaster. I've been feeling a river of emotions all at the same time; exhausted, renewed, frustrated, hopeful, depleted, and full, but NOT ALONE. One of the things it has taken me a while to really get is how powerful and vital relationships and collaboration are to interrupting my own racism. I’ve known this intellectually but I’m finally really getting it emotionally, somatically, and spiritually. I am currently reading Dr. Robin Di’Angelo’s newest book, “New Racism”, and it is reminding me of how much I have been indoctrinated into the ideology of individualism and how deeply ingrained it is in my psyche and body.
According to Dr. Di’Angelo, “This ideology of individualism can be conceptualized as a set of ideas, words, symbols, and metaphors - a narrative - that creates, communicates, reproduces, and reinforces the concept that we are all unique and that our group memberships (such as our race, class, or gender) are not important or relevant to our opportunities.” I believe that my ascribing to this ideology continues to not only harm BIPOC but myself as well. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t be responsible for ourselves but we do NOT exist in isolation or outside of systems, and operating as if we do is what pulls us out of connection and ultimately separates us from our humanity. I disrupt this deeply rooted programming each time I make the choice to value relationships over transactions. Each time I reach out to my community for input and support, I disrupt my racist programming by intentionally building more and more relationships, partnerships, and communities that are truly inclusive, collaborative, and accountable. As white people who are aspiring to be anti-racist, I feel that we have to start with being accountable to each other. If we can’t do that, how can we hope to be accountable to BIPOC? Let’s do this people!!!
This month, I’m sharing some of what I’m up to as well as some resources that have come my way. A great way to stretch those anti-racist muscles is to take an Undoing Racism and Community Organizing workshop with The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond: PISAB. If you haven’t taken one yet or if you have but need a refresher, please see the links below for upcoming workshops.
PISAB Undoing Racism and Community Organizing workshops: These workshops have open seats. If you’ve been waiting to sign up or wanting to organize a friend or family member into a workshop, now's the time!!!!
See you on the journey,
Recent Interview
I was recently interviewed by Amira Martin, LCSW-R, and I shared more about my private practice, training, and leadership work. Throughout the interview, I talked about my approach to my work as a white therapist using an anti-racist perspective.
Click the video to watch, like, and subscribe! Full link:
The Arc of white womanhood
Appetizer Sessions
In October, Robin and I will host two appetizers for those who want to get a sample experience of the full 7-week course that will begin in December 2021. See the flyer below for more information.
Shame Resilience Skills for white people 2-Day Course
Save the dates: October 22-23 (11am -7pm ET)
Nice Racism by Dr. Robin DiAngelo: Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm
(Purchase from one of these Black-owned bookstores:)
Tess Martin:So You’ve Been Called Out: A White Person’s Guide to Doing Better
White Fatigue: Our facilitators shared this short and provocative video in our European Dissent Meeting this month
HOW CAN WE WIN?? KIMBERLY JONES FULL SPEECH | *** MUST WATCH*** “They are lucky that what Black people are looking for is equality and not revenge!”
Be sure to check out the ARA (Anti-racist Alliance) for other resources and workshops: