January 2025 Blog

I wanted to start this year off by centering the importance of anti-racist principles. We (white folks) need more than ever to be grounded in intentional anti-racist principles and commitment. This set of Principles comes from “The Facilitator Guide for white affinity groups” by Robin Diangelo and Amy Burtaine. My wish is for more of us white folks to understand and hold these principles daily. We cannot waver! 

  • Systemic racism and white supremacy culture are real and exist today.

  • All people are individual, but they are also members of socially constructed racial groups.

  • Racist ideology is circulating throughout the culture, and we have all absorbed this ideology to different degrees and in different ways.

  • No one is exempt from these social and institutional forces.

  • All white people have been shaped by and participate in racism, regardless of intention. Intentions are irrelevant.

  • No one chose to be socialized into racism. Character is irrelevant.

  • Racism must be continually identified, analyzed, and challenged. No one is ever done.

  • The question is not if my life has been shaped by white supremacy, but how.

  • A follow-up question is, “What do the forms of racism I enact look like?”

  • This work requires a commitment to an ongoing and lifelong process.

Canceled: The Impact of Racial Difference Workshop: Facilitated by Tracey Rollins Spann, LMSW, and Robin Schlenger, LCSW:

  • Due to personal reasons the facilitators have to cancel this workshop but PLEASE be on the lookout for it in the future.

A collective Identity is a White Supremacist society: A challenge to Anti-Racists

Thursday, January 23, 2025, 7-8:30 pm ET

A recent election analysis by New York Times columnist David Brooks, Why We Got It So Wrong, provoked a lot of comments. Brooks critiques progressive group identity as not making sense to most people. The language of oppressor/oppressed doesn't compute. How then are we going to be effective anti-racist organizers if most people in this country feel alienated by progressive cultural language and actions?

This conversation will be moderated by Margery Freeman, core trainer with the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, and a CSWAC Board member. 

See the David Brooks article here. (You may encounter a paywall.) It is not necessary to have read the article to participate in this conversation.

To register: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/uhrze49/lp/b1eeaa6d-33e1-4709-a32c-dd3adcce2f7f?source_id=6b75d26c-cc6a-4a49-b87c-337c9bcea137&source_type=em&c=0Ud0CM50fN8sRRQLLX8AI_-bcYw1X0EZwoRBvZBLDhjF466uS2qwrg==

Undoing Racism® Executive Collective Meeting

You don’t have to be an Executive to join us!

This is my second year of having the honor to be an anchor for this First Monday meeting. Being a part of this community reminds me that I am part of something so much bigger than myself.  Being part of this intentional multi-racial/ antiracist community continues to have a profound impact on my life and how I show up in the world. Communities like this are what give me hope and stamina.  That hope is more important than ever in this year ahead. We need each other more than ever. Together we can face the challenges ahead. To come to our meetings and get more information please check it out: https://marypendergreene.com/first-monday-executive-collective-meeting/

People’s Institute For Survival and Beyond: Undoing Racism and Community Organizing Workshop

  • PISAB Northwest Regional URW (In Person) Feb 1st 10:00AM - Feb 2nd 6:00PM 

Please note this workshop is in person and the times are (PT) Saturday, Feb. 1 from 10 AM to 6 PM (PT). Sunday, Feb. 2 from 10 AM to 6 pm (PT). Click below to register:https://pisab.salsalabs.org/202500PINWEvergreenTacomaFebruary2025/index.html

  • NOLA Regional URW (In Person)  Jan 31st 10:00 AM - Feb 2nd 4:00 PM

Please note this workshop is in person and times are CT.  Click below to register: https://pisab.salsalabs.org/jan25nola/index.html

  • PISAB Northeast Regional URW (In Person):  Feb 27th 10:00 AM - Mar 1st 4:00 PM

Please note this workshop is in person and times are EST. Click below to register: https://pisab.salsalabs.org/20250036PINERegionalFebruaryinpersonWorkshop/index.html


Dear People's Institute for Survival and Beyond Network, A message from Mr. George Jones, our Board Chair

As we step into this new year, I imagine many of you, like me, carry mixed emotions. The deep sadness we feel over the lives lost during the horrific terror attack in New Orleans, in the early hours of January 1st weighs heavily on our hearts. Since Wednesday, our thoughts have especially been with you who call New Orleans home. I extend my deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of those affected. May those who were killed rest in peace.

Despite this tragic start to 2025, I hope each of you found moments of joy and connection with your families and loved ones, along with time for rest and renewal.

Even in the face of such devastating events, I hold firm to the belief that many in our country remain steadfast in their commitment to doing good. This belief is strengthened by witnessing the incredible dedication and compassion of the staff and Board at the Institute. Over the past few turbulent years, you have shown unwavering resolve—supporting our communities through the Covid-19 pandemic, navigating our agency’s own losses and unique challenges, and responding tirelessly to the persistent need created by systemic poverty and racism in our communities, across the US, and around the world.

Your steadfast commitment to justice and service reaffirms my faith that we, as a nation, will continue striving to build a better world. Though obstacles may at times slow our progress, they will not stop us from moving forward toward peace, racial and social justice.

In the words and spirit of those who paved the way before us, from the civil rights movement to today’s champions of social justice: “We shall overcome. We shall overcome. We shall overcome someday. Deep in my heart, I do believe we shall overcome someday.”

In solidarity always, 

George Jones

Robin Schlenger