Building a “Net that works.” (PISAB)
Together, on July 27th we joined to celebrate the rich collective strength of European Dissent, guided by our elder’s gifts of principles/history from the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB).
This was the first of what we hope will become an annual event. We gathered to honor the life and organizing of Rev. Joseph Barndt, a friend and mentor to many of us. We also honored white elders in our collective who are still with us, and whose decades of organizing, along with Rev. Joe's, paved the way for future generations. We came together to share stories, food and memories, while also raising money for The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond, the anti-racist organizing home to us, and all of our honorees. In the words of one of our community members, “It was an embodiment of building white antiracist culture and centering multi-racial anti-racist community.”
I am so very proud and humbled to be part of this community of humans committed to undoing racism. I am proud to be one of so many “building a net that works.”
See you on the journey,
Learning from History: “Upholding and Enforcing Unjust Laws Isn’t Moral” by Robin Schlenger:
Video Testimonial: “The Arc of white womanhood is ruining my life.”
Link to register:
Lisa and Robin’s presentation for September 2024: The First Monday gathering is a vibrant, multi-racial collective dedicated to undoing racism. We believe authentic cross-racial relationships are essential in this work, and we strive to become co-conspirators, not merely allies. However, having breathed in the “smog of racism" for so long, we come to this work with deep socialization and frameworks that shape how we engage, and often dis-engage, with each other. In this session, Dr. Lisa Martin and Robin Schlenger, co-conveners of First Monday, will launch our 18th season with a candid discussion about the challenges of building effective cross-racial co-conspirator relationships. They will explore how we, as a collective, can collaborate more effectively. Utilizing Dr. Kenneth V. Hardy’s P.A.S.T. model, Robin and Dr. Lisa will provide a foundation for future First Monday sessions and broader cross-racial anti-racism efforts.
Project 2025: White Supremacy in Action: We need to know about this:
Conference on Building Anti-Racist Multiracial Community 2024 Registration hosted by the Center for the Study of White American Culture (CSWAC). 2024-09-27, Newark, New Jersey: